New Releases: KR Seasons of Harvest Farm Tileset, More Trees
July 11, 2024
July 11, 2024

New Releases: KR Seasons of Harvest Farm Tileset, More Trees

New Releases: KR Seasons of Harvest Farm Tileset, More Trees



July 11, 2024

Two new tilesets bring the rural outdoors to life, create the perfect pastoral location with the KR Seasons of Harvest Farm Tileset, and then populate a nearby forest with More Trees!

Farming is hard work, so give your players some enjoyable maps to explore when they’re not watering their fields with the KR Seasons of Harvest Farm Tileset! Kokoro Reflections is back with a tileset that lets you create interior and exterior farm maps no matter the time of year! A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, and 2 B sheets offer up all you need to make a field for crops, huge red barns for animals, shops selling seeds and snacks, and a cozy home filled with natural wood furniture and soft rugs! Let your players choose between blue, green, purple, and pink fabrics for their rooms and give them a nicely furnished kitchen so that they can cook any vegetables they grow. Or focus on the barn, where they can store baskets of crops and maybe even raise cute farm animals.

And if that wasn’t enough, each tile sheet comes in 4 versions so you can match the look to the 4 seasons! Have your players spend most of their time visiting friendly townsfolk when the color of the world is muted and snow coats all the buildings and let them know work is beginning again with the light greens of spring. Or grow different crops during different seasons, limiting corn to the summer season and letting turnips grow in every season except summer so that your players need to plan before throwing seeds into the ground.

This pack also includes character sheets for wooden doors and fence gates, sliding barn doors, a wooden crate, and 23 plants with different growth stages! Let your players grow grapes and tomatoes to fit your normal world, or have some fun and give them wild fantasy fruits that could increase magic stats or poison demons! So if your slice-of-life farming sim needs a fresh look or you want to give your villages some fields filled with food (and farming minigames), check out the KR Seasons of Harvest Farm Tileset!

Purchase now on KOMODO Plaza or on Steam!

Do you like trees? Do you wish there were more trees to fill your forests with? Then the More Trees pack is the pack for you! Plueschkatze knows there’s no such thing as too many trees, so she’s back with another pack of trees to give your maps more variety. 7 different types of trees with multiple sizes for each make turning a boring forest into an amazing and lush woodland to explore! 3 B sheets full of trees are ready to give your towns an ancient 6-tile tall deciduous tree as its centerpiece, your forests pops of color with yellow and red leaves, and trees in different stages of growth to help you steer your players in the right direction by having bigger trees form natural walls.

Tall thin cypress are perfect for adding some trees along the path to a noble’s villa, or use them to subtly block an alley between shops so that your players can’t sneak into areas where they don’t belong. Break up expanses of sand on beaches or let your players know an oasis is nearby with palm trees, or plant one randomly in a town that leads them to an interesting plant-related side quest. Each tile sheet comes in 2 versions, one with shadows under the tree and one without, so that no matter if you prefer parallax mapping with your own type of shadows or you just want to add in trees without needing to change anything you can use these trees! Pick up the More Trees pack and give your beaches some towering palm trees and your autumn maps some gorgeous red and yellow leaves!

Purchase now on KOMODO Plaza or on Steam!

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