New Releases: RPG Character Pack 11, Seraph Circle Crystal Portraiture
November 9, 2023
November 9, 2023

New Releases: RPG Character Pack 11, Seraph Circle Crystal Portraiture

New Releases: RPG Character Pack 11, Seraph Circle Crystal Portraiture



November 9, 2023

Bring your characters to life with the new RPG Character Pack 11 and Seraph Circle Crystal Portraiture packs!

Add new warriors, mages, priests, and even circus performers into your game with the RPG Character Pack 11! Gee-kun-soft is here with another set of MZ characters, this time offering 16 new options for 8 general classes each with a male and female option. Have your heroes be healed by a kind blue-haired priestess or black-haired priest who’s annoyed with how often he sees your heroes in this church, learn new spells from an old bearded sage, battle a sneaky (and shirtless) assassin, and more with this pack!

Each characters comes with a character sprite, MZ-style downed poses, a SV battler, faceset with 8 emotions, matching bust images, and 13 static enemy battlers with different color variations so you can face off against friends-turned-foes or gain new party members by defeating them in a battle of wits! Duel a tophat-wearing juggler to earn his respect and have him join the party with his bag of tricks, or chat with a cheery lilac-haired bunny girl to start a side quest to rescue her precious pet rabbit. Fill your team with muscular men like the sturdy martial artist and the serious warrior, or lean into youth with an ageless elf wizard cloaked in dark robes and a brunette adventurer who looks like he may have been pulled from a modern high school into a fantastical world!

This pack also includes high-res versions of each character’s art so you can scale it to perfectly for your game. Fill out your game’s roster and add some new NPCs to teach useful skills with the RPG Character Pack 11!

Purchase Now on KOMODO Plaza or on Steam!

Give your players some gorgeous faces to look at when they’re talking to NPCs with Seraph Circle Crystal Portraiture! Jo Seraph is back with another faceset pack in their beautiful painted style, this time with neck up images of 24 unique characters. Facesets and pictures for each character let you choose whether you want to use faces in messages or busts in your game, and grayscale and negative versions can help you create the perfect cutscene. Create memorable moments with recurring NPCs such as a troublemaking man with wavy hair and a piercing near his eye and his friend with a bowl cut, a thin-faced woman with hair tied in a bun and her pigtail wearing daughters, a brother/sister duo with curly hair and kind eyes.

Each character comes with 4 hair colors and 5 skin colors, leading to a whopping 576 different images to help you populate your world! Have your heroes buy equipment from a blonde man with a rounded face and infectious grin in one town, while a white-haired version runs the pub in a city across the world. Or have a redhead run every town’s inn but use a different face for each so that it seems like only redheads are allowed to own inns. As a bonus this pack also includes legacy portraits of Jo Seraph’s older works, with even more character facesets in a more anime/cartoon style, so you can choose the right style to fit your game’s aesthetic. Pick up Seraph Circle Crystal Portraiture today and give your NPCs incredible glow-ups!

Purchase Now on KOMODO Plaza or on Steam!

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