Last week was exciting, but let's move on to something new! Character Generator, Plugin, and Coding Changes incoming!
The RPG Maker MZ Character Generator, on top of having all new art, has had two major changes to help you create the hero or villain you envision!
First up, we have the brand new Offset Function. Move components up, down, left, or right to fit your vision. Bunch up facial features, adjust the way glasses sit on a character’s nose, move that hat to better accommodate your character’s hair, and more.
Put every piece where you want it.
Easily add more gradients to eyes, clothes, accessories, hair, and skin color. You are no longer limited to a certain number of gradients!
Add a new row in the gradient png files, and the Character Generator will pull that new gradient into the Generator as a new option. It’s just that easy.
The Plugin Manager has also seen a few quality of life enhancements.
First up, you can switch plugins off and on from the Plugin List rather than having to go into Edit to switch them off. Not a big change, but one that can save a bit of time.
Additionally, in the Plugin List, we now allow plugin creators to define load orders and requirements in their plugin. The Plugin List will then tell you if you don’t have things set up right!
This change should make adding plugins to your game more error free!
Additionally, the fields in the Plugin Editor have had a few changes, letting plugin creators put in their author name, and a URL, so users can quickly find the author’s site for help, updates, or just more plugins!
Instead of a single box you type a plugin command into, Plugin Creators can now define their Commands to be selectable in the Plugin Command by selecting the Plugin, then selecting a Command Name from a dropdown list!
The Plugin Creator can also define Arguments for you to send Parameters to the command, making the Plugin Command way more powerful, and way easier to use!
These new changes to the Plugin Manager and the Plugin Event Command will make using Plugins to enhance your next game a breeze!
And speaking of Plugins, let’s talk about CODE! RPG Maker MZ has reworked the code for almost every part of RPG Maker. From the Game Engine, the Player, to the Editor.
What does this mean for the average user: Everything will run more smoothly and with less hiccups..
What does that mean for plugin creators? Oh, we think they already know. And all the average users will reap the rewards of the extra power at the fingertips of plugin developers.
No more confusing copy paste process when RPG Maker has an update to update your projects! This one is just a Quality of Life upgrade, but a much needed one nonetheless.
When RPG Maker upgrades, all you have to do to upgrade your project is open Game => Update Corescript and boom. You’re done.
Two new tilesets are here to bring new environments to your game! Kokoro Reflection's Spirit of England Tileset will transport you directly to London, while ELV Games' Summerwind Saga - Fortress & Dungeon expands the Summerwind Saga style with fantastic new options!